Thursday, June 28, 2012

New Carseat

Helo needed a new car seat! He was just getting too big. And Dan (being the incredible Husband and Father that He is), told Mommy and Helo to pick out any one that we like! So we all went to target and Mommy started buckling Helo in all the displays! We should have took pictures of that. Dan was embarrassed...until He saw the prices and then realized that Mommy really wanted the "right one" (so we would ALL be happy)! So we ended up choosing one that would take Helo all the way through to no car seat at all. This is the car seat that turns into a booster eventually. The head part even moves up and down as he grows taller! To say the least, We All LOVE It! We know that Helo was too young for a new one (8 months) but He was trying to get out of His other one, His legs were bent and the straps could not reach over His shoulders. Plus as you can see...He fits great in this one!
Not that Dan and I are incompetent, but Helo is our first child... We had to ask for assistance on getting the car seat buckled into the car correctly. THANK YOU friends for your help!!! We are confident that Helo is NOT going ANYWHERE!
We Love You Helo!

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