Monday, June 11, 2012

Need a Minute?

So...We are not proud as parents for this, but... Do you ever have those days (times) when all you need is ONE minute to yourself, but you can't because your little one is going crazy!? Well, Dan found an outlet (for us as parents) when we need that minute. But in our case it turns out to be 40 minutes! We turn on Dr. Horrible's Sing-Along Blog (NOT recommended for children who understand words, very inappropriate. Helo will not be watching it much longer!). I don't recommend it to anyone at all.
It doesn't matter what Helo is doing or where He is in the house, as soon as He hears this movie on He comes running to the t.v. to watch it! I thought we were horrible parents for letting Him watch it, but then we realized... Helo likes it because of the singing! So Dan and I put on Grease, Helo wanted nothing to do with it. So we tried Newsies, Helo again wanted nothing to do with it. But yet, every time this movie comes on, He comes so fast you don't always have time to get out of His way! Then we had friends over who watch Glee (we don't) tell us Neil Patrick Harris sings in one of the episodes. Neil Patrick Harris is the main character on Dr. Horrible. So Dan turned on the Glee episode and Helo came dashing around the corner as soon as He heard Neil Patrick Harris' voice! At first I was worried, but Helo isn't even 1 yet, so I should not be concerned. Like I said, He won't be watching it much longer anyway! Dan and I usually play it when we need Him to stay awake just a little longer, or we need to finish up dinner or something. I look at it right now as... Yeah! I get a few minutes to finish whatever I started!!! However, I do think it is weird that He Likes Neil Patrick Harris' voice so much! As soon as He turns 1... we will be hunting for new entertainment (toys and just plain music don't seem to do it, we even tried kitchen utensils, books, empty water bottles, etc)!
And just so every one knows... This is the one and only time Helo was this close to the t.v....We usually keep the ball pit in front of the t.v. so He has to stay a certain distance.

1 comment:

  1. Why don't you watch how I met your mother or try the Disney channel or nick channel. How bout baby Einstein.
