After the epidural Dan and I and Jilene sat and waited. About an hour after the epidural my skin was pale white, I couldn't focus my eyes (when I could open them) and an alarm kept sounding. My blood pressure was dropping. They needed to give me a shot. If you know me, I begged and pleaded to not have to take that shot. So the nurse ended up calling the anesthesiologist to tell him I didn't want it. He told the nurse he would be in to talk to me. He was in the room in less than one minute and told me that I needed to take it or matters would worsen. Still refusing to have to take another needle, he looked at me and said "I already gave it to you, have a nice delivery". My legs were numb from the epidural so I never felt the shot! They could have told me that I wouldn't have felt it to begin with, then I wouldn't have fought it. After the shot, my blood pressure returned to normal and we went back to waiting.
Jilene had to go into work around 12pm, so Dan turned on the t.v. and we just waited. Around 12:30 the Dr. broke my water (this made Dan nauseous...I told him not to look!). At 2:30pm, the nurse came into the room to check to see how dilated I was, I was 9.5cm. Dan said "good, then we only have about 10 more minutes to wait". The nurse laughed and said that it could be 10 minutes or it could be three hours. So she left. Ten minutes passed and I looked at Dan and said "I am fully dilated you need to go get the nurse". Luckily the nurse walked right in and I asked her to check me again. She said I was 10cm, so we tried a practice push. As soon as I started pushing she told me to stop so she could call the Dr. She kept telling me to stop, but I wasn't pushing... Our baby was cork-screwing his way out on his own!
The Dr. came running into the room and short of breath she asked me to push again. She said "the baby's head is half way out! Do you want to feel it?" I was really not sure if I wanted to, a part of me did, but the other part thought 'ewewew, Gross'. But my Dr knew me well, so she took my hand and placed it on the baby's head. My reaction... "Ewewew, Gross! That's just not normal"! And that's when the laughing began. Then the Dr. was laughing at Dan because he kept 'peeking' looks, unsure of whether or not he really wanted to watch. Her laughing made me laugh and after 10 pushes, at 3:16pm... Our Baby was Here!
Dan was so woozy he had to sit down, after all the support and kisses he had just given me, he deserved a rest too. Dan couldn't even cut the cord, he was so nauseous.
The nurses cleaned up our little one and handed him to his Daddy. I teared up seeing the two of them make faces at each other.
With Dawson, the epidural lowered my blood pressure a lot too- I had to get the shots a few times, no fun- huh?? I love that Dan was so nauseous he couldn't cut the cord-- so funny!