Wow... Helo smiles A LOT!
Helo smiling at Daddy... Daddy JUST came home from work! Helo missed Him as you can see.
Helo LOVES to be as naked as possible. But this is as naked as Mommy lets Him get in the middle of the day in winter. Though every night before Helo's bath, Helo likes to be completely naked and do a nakey dance in front of the mirror... He laughs THE WHOLE TIME! It's hilarious.
Helo's growing....
Helo has many pajamas, but His favorite are the ones with animals on the feet. He has ones with monkeys, lions, tigers, and this one has bears (it's His favorite). Helo Loves to play with his feet and talk to the animals. He is such a cutie! Love You Sweet Boy!
So four months have gone by, everyone says it goes by fast, and it does...but it's enjoyable! Helo loves eating (we're surprised He isn't bigger), He gets frustrated when he can't sit up for as long as He wants to. Helo is still teething and Loves to gnaw on Mommy's and Daddy's arm (gross). Other than that, Helo is still His Happy self.
Love You Son!
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