Helo had his One Month Dr appt today! He is in the 75 percentile of his age group for his Weight and Height and he is in the 60 percentile for head circ.! He is 10lbs 2.5oz , 22 1/8in and has a head circ. of 15! He is growing so well! Our little man is so strong and makes us very Happy. As scared as we were to have our lives change (we still are), we are just as Happy to have Helo with us!
Dan is still scared to change a diaper and has yet to change one (someday he will, I don't know when, but he will eventually). Since we brought Helo home from the hospital he has only woken 2-3 times a night for feedings, and sleeps most the day. But of course, he wakes up to play with Daddy when he hears Daddy come home from work.
Helo Loves to sleep! (who doesn't)... He uses his legs a lot. He stands (with assistance) and he kicks a ton! He tries to get up on his knees and succeeds with one knee at a time. Helo has laughed a total of four times. He sounds so funny when he laughs. And the main action of Helo's during the last month is starring into lights! Whenever he sees a light he just stares so when he gets a little fussy, we just turn on a light and he is fine. (We think that he is starring at Angels or looking for them).
We took his One Month pictures in a (if you know Dan) Green Bay Packers onesie! A couple were taken on Dan's Cheese Head. And the white blanket in the background (it is hard to see it) has the information: Helo Wade Rowley, and August 16, 2011, and 7lbs 12.6 oz, 18in embroidered on it. Thank you to Aunt Barb and Uncle Craig for the onsies and Blanket! Our Little man looks S
We Love him so much, He is truly a blessing and such a great Son. We look forward to our upcoming adventures as parents, while enjoying the current ones. We are so blessed to have such a calm, healthy and loving Son. WE LOVE YOU HELO!
He is Eating the Cheese!
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